
About Magda

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So far Magda has created 417 blog entries.

You can’t always go to the same sources

It's the American dream, then. Or some version of it. It's the built text of Elvis's life and you can read into it, if you like, a descent from authenticity to Vegas style gaudiness https://www.oakleygosunglasses.com/, or an ascent from poverty to success. The caricature [...]

By |2017-03-29T09:40:04+02:00|Bez kategorii|

Friday for ChristmasVille

Friday for ChristmasVille. Dec. First and third Fridays. McCarry said an Army Corps of Engineers study found that the economic benefits of doing the midreachproject are three times the cost of the project, primarily in terms of shore protection from hurricanes and other storm [...]

By |2016-12-26T08:22:43+01:00|Bez kategorii|

It can be that long after sundown

3 Soft PowerBecause as the IT industry in India has grown, so has his stature at home and abroad. Because he is a middle class icon even the prime minister cannot ignore. Because he can bring Mumbai to a halt. It can be that [...]

By |2017-03-02T13:23:22+01:00|Bez kategorii|